Chapter Hall

Francesco Borromini designed in San Carlino all the spaces necessary for the community life of a religious order, including the Chapter Hall or Conventual Chapter Hall.

The chapter Hall is accessed from the first floor of the cloister. It is a large room, slightly rectangular in shape and lit by two large windows. It has a low vaulted ceiling with lunettes, which rests on the four side walls. The walls and dome were beautifully frescoed in 1905 by the Roman painter Luigi Goldini.

Today, a bookcase adjoining the walls of the room holds some 300 books on shelves, most of them dating from the 19th century onwards. In the centre of the room there is a large table, around which the religious of San Carlino sit in the Conventual Chapter.

Via del Quirinale, 23 00187 Roma

(+39) 375 804 1442